Let me be honest, I have no idea exactly what I want this blog to be. At first, I thought, hey, it would somehow nestle into a file of miscellaneous, but then I thought, no, how about fashion? Photographs and spreads that inspire my every being and make me wish I were in a place where all was right in the world, but no, it soon drifted into my own daily life, sometimes referring to my outfits, my travels, my food. Then suddenly, the blog changed its layout and soon became one of those tumblr ones, the one where only one photo is posted for each entry, and in some artistic way it would become more meaningful, really make an impact on the viewer. Now it, or I, feel a bit lost, it's as if I either want to give up on the blog, cold turkey, or just let it linger and die. Wow, such strong choice of words for such a harmless blog. What to do, what to do. Still, there are moments where I wish I restored it to its original layout, header and all.
The thing is, a blog is meant as an outlet to describe my life the way I would like to describe it, yet it doesn't seem to be doing so. Geez, why do the opinion of others get in the way of one's own personal thoughts sometimes. It blows.
wow this photo makes me wanna travel!!!